As the eight finalists wait for the lottery, Tenshinhan continues to punish Kame-Sennin’s students and leads Yamcha and Kulilin to confront Tenshinhan and Chaozu. After Tenshinhan orders Chaozu to stop bickering, the announcer starts the lottery. Tenshinhan notices one of the contestants holding a grudge against Jackie Chun and subsequently instructs Chaozu to manipulate the lottery picks.
During the process of everyone getting their numbers, there are many confrontations such as Man Wolf who angry at being relegated to being the “Wolf Man” and excited at the prospect of facing Jackie Chun. The rest of the Tenshinhan vs. Yamcha, Kulilin vs. Chaozu and Goku Vs. Panput will end soon. After further insulting the Kame-Sennin’s students, Tenshinhan thanks the Chaozu for preparing the fights.
Meanwhile, Bulma, Oolong, and Pu’ar are frustrated by the disappearance of the Kame-Sennin after their sloppy lunch managed to get a team of dragons. front row seat. 22. The Tenka-Ichi Budōkai begins with Yamcha against Tenshinhan, and the animosity between the Kame Sennin and Tsuru Sennin schools is palpable as the duel begins.