Gokū catches up to his target, who wonders who the boy is in the confusion. Once Goku sees the Dragon Ball clutched in the creature’s claws, he angrily tells him that he not only stole Goku’s Dragon Ball, but killed Kuririn. The creature confirms that it did indeed kill Kuririn, and Gokū angrily prepares to attack it in a rage. The creature scoffs at the idea that Goku could defeat him and easily dispatches Goku, who complains that the reason he can’t keep up is hunger.
The monster releases Kikōha from its Mouth, destroying Goku’s Kintoun and throwing him to the ground . Earth. Smiling to himself with the joy of killing, he flies off. A few hours passed and Goku’s friends figured that if he hadn’t returned, Goku must be dead. They begin to consider their options, and when Tenshinan asks Muten Rōshi about Mafūba, the old master tells him that he doesn’t remember the movie because it was played so long ago and happened so quickly. With no other option, the group heads to Muten Róshi’s house.
Back on Piccolo’s airship, he hands the creature the Dragon Ball to Piccolo, confirming that it was where Pilaf and his group said it would be. Delighted to have eternal youth in his hands, Piccolo informs the creature to make a list of ten finalists. When he sees Kuririn on the list, he removes him because he already killed him. When Gokū was found on the list, the monster confirmed that it had already killed Gokū as well. With the news that these finalists are said to be weak, Piccolo still urges his minion to stay alert: one use of the Mafūba would kill him. He gives the order to kill all remaining martial artists and anyone who gets in his way.
While the Pilaf Gang wonders if freeing Piccolo was such a good idea, Gokū is seen lying motionless on the ground.