Tambourine admits that he swore to kill Gokū just as he stares daggers at him, while Yajirobe complains that he can’t eat him fast enough while he’s still alive. When Piccolo Daimaiō’s son warns the young boy the last time they fought how badly it ended for him, Yajirobe simply says that he will kill him if he fails. He goes so far as to brag about killing him, just as Kintoun Gokū did, he closes him up to fight; which Tambourine admits and says he will kill him like he did with Kuririn. Angered by the confirmation of his friend’s killer, Gokū prepares to avenge his fallen friend, just as Tambourine said he warned he would die if he fought him.
When Gokū attacks, Tambourine becomes dizzy from the afterimages he creates , you can’t tell which is which. Gokū landed a surprise punch to the jaw and didn’t back down with a wild punch combination that sent the Dragonoid flying. Rushing from the tower of rocks, the boy announces his next attack and kicks him in the head with his knee, knocking him to the ground. Yajirobe admits that Gokū is a skilled fighter at the stationary tambourine as a sign of peace. Unwilling to accept that any human could harm Piccolo’s children, Tambourine stands up to Goku’s surprise and releases a surprising burst of ki from his mouth. Seeing nothing but scorched earth, he claims victory until Goku taunts him from afar and shocks him with his surprising speed.
As Kuririn announces another blow, Tambourine runs away, hoping to escape his opponent. As Yajirobe screams to get behind him, Gokū unsheaths his Nyōibo and stretches it out to rise high into the air. As she gets into position, Tambourine chants the syllables for his chosen technique and is stunned that someone is watching her. With a final scream, Goku releases the Kamehameha and in a flash of light delivers the killing blow to Piccolo’s spawn.
Elsewhere, Piccolo Daimaiō writhes in surprise as he feels the life force drain from his strongest child. He declares that he will set a course for the last position he saw and announces his intention to fight the killer of his children alone.
Back on the battlefield, Yajirobe tells Goku that he is surprised that he is as strong as he is. Goku simply thanks him with a smile.