Despite their newfound freedoms, Piccolo informs the Earthlings that it will come with a price. The planet has 43 sectors, so every May 9th, Piccolo’s coronation day, he intends to destroy one of the sectors by pulling one of the 43 papers from the urn. As the enraged Tenshinhan rushes at Piccolo, the Great Demon King pulls out the number 29 – the number that corresponds to the Western Capital. In a panic, Bulma urges Tenshinhan to defeat Piccolo, and he readily agrees, but not before informing them that he will indeed die if he uses the Mafūba since Piccolo destroyed Shenron. Tenshinhan soon arrives at the castle and challenges Piccolo.
Meanwhile, Goku races towards the castle on Kintoun, desperately trying to catch up with him.
Piccolo descends to the ground and tells Tenshinhan to come down and meet with him. Tenshinhan confidently grabbed the rice cooker only to see that its side was cracked; he broke the cooker during training. However, Tenshinhan believes he won’t need Mafūba to secure victory and descends to meet Piccolo as well. Deciding not to get his hands dirty in the battle with Tenshinhan, Piccolo spits out the egg and hatches the demon Piccolo, which he calls Drum. However, Tenshinhan still believes that he can easily dispatch the newborn demon.