As both combatants declare that they will show the other their full strength, the battle itself continues. After the two fighters clash furiously, Piccolo is able to connect a powerful blow with Goku’s back, sending the young fighter to the ground and creating a great creator. Piccolo laughs at his victory and Tenshinhan believes that Goku will be defeated.
However, a Kamehameha spell starts from the crater and both Tenshinhan and Piccolo notice. Enraged, Gokū leaps out of the crater and fires Kamehameha towards Piccolo. Gokū raised his hands to block the energy beam, bending the end of the beam and causing the blast to spin around Piccolo and hit him in the back. Piccolo calls Gokū a monster at his display of power, but Gokū remarks that it only makes them monsters. Ready to fight to the death, the physical battle gathers pace as Tenshinhan can only stare at how helpless he is.