In the distance, the surviving Dragon Team members see a plume of smoke from the ensuing explosion caused by Piccolo. After the city is destroyed, Piccolo is convinced that Son Gokū has been killed, only to have his hopes dashed by sensing the young boy’s ki. Tenshinhan used the aerial dance technique to save Gokū, much to Piccolo’s annoyance.
However, flying drained the last of Tenshinhan’s strength and the man fell to the ground in exhaustion. While Piccolo is sure that Goku was just delaying his death, the boy informs the Great Demon King that the stunt he just pulled has also severely drained his energy and he will no longer be able to attack Goku. Piccolo agrees that his ki is low, but still believes that he can easily kill Goku. As Piccolo begins to power up, Gokū rushes in to take advantage of his lowered guard. However, his attack is not strong enough and he only has one leg behind him, and Piccolo unleashes a large Kikōha that creates a large crater.
Gokū, however, summons Kintoun, lifts him from the crater, and releases him back onto the battlefield, albeit damaged. Piccolo expresses his disbelief that a human could withstand his power, and Gokū says that since he has a tail, he doesn’t have to be human. When both are exhausted, Gokū wants to continue the match. However, in desperation, Piccolo grabs the unconscious Tenshinhan and uses him as leverage against Goku.