When Tenshinhan is captured by Piccolo, Goku finds himself in trouble. Tenshinhan urges Goku to kill Piccolo and not worry about him; in an attempt to quiet him, Piccolo puts pressure on Tenshinhan’s skull. Piccolo picks up a rock and blasts it towards Goku, breaking the boys left arm. Regardless, Gokū decides to kill Piccolo as he would simply kill them whether the boy attacked or not, believing that he could revive Tenshinhan with the Dragon Balls. Piccolo tells Goku that he killed Shenron and breaks Goku’s left leg with another rock, causing the boy to fall to the ground and unable to move.
Piccolo throws Tenshinhan and flies into the air, determined to deliver the finishing blow to Goku, however Goku still has one working arm and launches the mighty Kikōh to the ground, launching it into the air towards Piccolo. With the giant ape’s footprint behind him, Gokū lunges towards Piccolo.