Mr. Popo tells Goku that he is mentally and physically weak and became arrogant after defeating Piccolo. With this in mind, he instructs the boy to go home. However, Gokū refuses because he needs to meet God and revive his friends. Gokū decides to use the place for training, and although Mr. Popo allows it, he believes it is pointless.
Gokū quickly notices that he gets tired more quickly in the God’s Palace due to the lack of oxygen, so high. Mr. Popo notes that the effect is worse for Gokū, who does a lot more useless moves. Mr. Popo tells Goku that even on Earth it’s important to be as calm as the sky and as fast as lightning. Gokū comments that it is difficult, but Mr. Popo shows that it can be done by completely masking his ki. Gokū cannot replicate this effect, and Mr. Popo demonstrates further by moving faster than Gokū can follow. Mr. Popo also shows his ability to sense ki far before Gokū. He admits that God is even stronger than him, even though they could not fight Piccolo for personal reasons.
Despite this gap in strength, Gokū does not waver and decides to defeat Mr. Pop. It is this unwavering determination that earns God’s favor and he agrees to meet Goku. However, when God steps forward to reveal himself, he looks like Piccolo. Enraged, Gokū attacks only to be easily knocked back.
The god explains that he and Piccolo were once one entity and martial arts master. This singing being once came to see the God who existed before her and wanted to follow the dying deity. However, God did not allow him to succeed him because there was evil in his heart. Through training, the evil was banished and he became “Piccolo”. God says he will grant Goku’s wish if he trains with him in return. Gokū agrees and God tells him that he will reactivate the Dragon Balls.