The mysterious woman engages Gokū in battle, angry that he forgot about meeting her. Gokū’s friends also don’t know her, but Gokū has met the girl before when she mentions that Gokū promised her something. Muten Rōshi notes that the mysterious young woman is not only strong, but her form and techniques resemble the style of the Turtle School.
Gokū doesn’t remember what he promised the mysterious woman, but she drops a bombshell. : Gokū promises to marry her, stunning everyone. Gokū has to ask Kuririn what “wife” means, and Yamcha and Kuririn explain that “wife” means that Gokū wants to marry her, and that means spending the rest of his life with her. Gokū still doesn’t remember her and asks who she is, but she only tells him if he wins. However, Oolong knows who she is as her speech patterns reveal.
Gokū punches the air with extreme force, releasing a gust of wind towards the girl from the sheer pressure of the air, causing the ring to fall out as she is knocked out from the ring. Piccolo notes that this technique is similar to how demons fight. As agreed, the mysterious girl reveals her name: Chi-Chi, Gyūmaō’s daughter. In the end, Gokū remembers who he is and what he promised and agrees to marry Chi-Chi to fulfill his promise, despite thinking that marriage was a type of food when he agreed to the promise. Gokū leaves hand in hand with his new fiancé and warns Kuririn to be careful when he goes to face his opponent Piccolo.