Despite being out of breath, Tenshinhan tells Goku that while he may be even stronger than before, his speed—the most important thing in battle—remains stagnant. Tenshinhan proves this by taking the battle back to the sky and pushing his speed even further; while Goku’s eyes can keep up, his body can’t. Gokū narrowly avoids ringing the bell, noting that Tenshinhan held back, but only says that he was watching Gokū’s movements.
Gokū asks Tenshinhan if he can take off his clothes, and he agrees. As Gokū removes them, they fall to the ground, making Tenshinhan suspicious. He discovers that the shirt is ridiculously heavy—as are the boots and wrist guards—and Gokū explains that it was part of his training with God. As Kuririn removes the clothes from the ring, Goku explains that each of them weighs about 22 kilograms.
With the weights removed, Goku increases in speed and shows it by removing Tenshinhan’s obi.