Onlookers are amazed by Piccolo and Shen’s display of skill, though Shen berates himself for the weak body he borrowed. Piccolo read Shen’s thoughts and held on to the borrowed body. In response, Shen begins speaking to Piccolo in a foreign language. Piccolo understands what Shen is saying and finally understands who Shen is: God.
When Piccolo finds out, he can’t understand why Shen is there; he is weaker than Piccolo and would not commit suicide. However, Shen says he found a way around the inconvenience of death. Shen pulled out a bottle from his breast pocket and revealed his trump card: Mafūba.
Piccolo, however, was more than ready for the technique and debuts a new technique of his own: Mafūba Reverse. This reverses Mafūb’s path back to Shen. Surprised that his own attack failed against him, the God leaves the borrowed body and begs Goku to kill Piccolo without fearing for his life. Piccolo sealed away God and now believes he has no weaknesses.