Piccolo blames Goku for not accepting Tenshinhan’s help because he can’t win without it. However, Gokū tells Piccolo that his new size does not scare him and continues to prove his point by manipulating the now giant Piccolo and being able to throw him as well. Muten Rōshi wonders exactly what kind of training Gokū has undergone, as the Super Kamehameha should have used a lot of energy, but Goku’s stamina has not decreased at all.
Gokū taunts Piccolo, telling him that if he can only grow as much as he has , it won’t help him at all. However, Piccolo tells Goku how wrong he is and continues to increase his height, towering over everything. Gokū leaps into the air and after unleashing a Kamehameha Boost flies right into Piccolo’s mouth.
Within a moment Piccolo spits Gokū out and Gokū throws the bottle that contains God to Tenshinhan and tells him to open it. By opening the bottle, God is set free.