Five years after the defeat of Piccolo and the end of the Tenka-Ichi Budōkai, the world is at peace. A farmer is tending his fields only to see an object descend from the sky and crash into the planet. Armed with his shotgun, he arrives at the landing site and spots a strange craft. A man steps out of the ship, lamenting that the inhabitants of “this world” are still alive, and curses someone named “Kakarotto”. A man approaches the farmer, uses a strange device on his face, and remarks that his “power level” is only five. The farmer shoots the man, only to catch the bullet and throw it back at him, wounding him. He picked up more power in the distance and flew away.
Piccolo feels a ki approaching, and a powerful one at that. At first he feared it might be Son Gokū, but it turned out to be a strange man from an earlier time. With the same strange device, he analyzes Piccolo and discovers that Piccolo has a power level of 322; strong but tiny compared to his own. Piccolo violently attacks the man with Kikōha, taking no damage. Raditz, preparing to counterattack, detects another level of power, the strongest on Earth, and tears off in that direction, leaving Piccolo frozen in fear. As he flies away, Raditz asks if “Kakarotto” has lost his pride as a Saiyan, and Kakarotto reveals himself to be none other than Son Gokū.