With his ultimatum against Goku, Raditiz leaves, leaving his brother dead. Gokū hastily calls Kintoun, but his friends try to warn him. Remembering the weakness of the Saiyan’s tail, Gokū decided to use it against his brother if he could. He also warns Kuririn and Muten Rōshi not to go fight him as they cannot be revived. Gokū obtains the radar from Bulma and tracks Gohan’s Dragon Ball to find out where Raditz has landed.
Piccolo, who has been listening, comes in and tells Goku that he doesn’t stand a chance against Raditz. Since they would both be overpowered alone, Piccolo proposes the impossible – he and Goku team up to defeat Raditz, who stands in the way of Piccolo’s evil plans. Gokū takes the radar and boards the Kintoun, asking Piccolo if he can keep up. Declaring that his technique was much better, they both made their way towards Raditz. The dragon team decided to follow, not wanting to miss the battle.