Gokū and Piccolo quickly approach Raditz’s location and continue their flight. Unable to handle the half-Saiyan’s constant crying, Raditz locks Gohan in his attack ball and, on Saiyan instinct, decides to find more food. However, his scout leads him to a large fighting force; Gohan’s fighting power actually comes from the Attack Ball. However, Raditz decides the reading is wrong and ignores it.
Gokū and Piccolo quickly approach and Gokū decides they should descend; Piccolo tells him that there’s no point because the device on Raditz’s ear allows him to detect ki. The element of surprise is lost. Raditz again detects the ki signature; two of them, one of them exactly matches Kakarotto. To his disbelief, it’s his younger brother – this also confirms that the number 710 he received from Gohan earlier was in fact true.
Gokū lands in front of Raditz and declares that he is here to get his son back, a statement this disappoints his older brother as a Saiyan. Piccolo eagerly strips off his prized training gear and Gokū follows; Raditz notes that removing the gear caused their combat power to increase. Amused by their efforts but angry at his younger brother, Raditz decides to kill Kakarotto instead, as he will bring shame to the Saiyan race. Raditz lunges at them effortlessly, only to attack them from behind and surprise them, stunning them both with his speed. However, Raditz drops another bomb on both fighters: the other two Saiyans alive are even stronger than him.