Raditz calls out his detractors when he notices their plot under his breath and loudly declares it futile. Meanwhile, Gokū confirms that Piccolo can use his new technique with his remaining limb, but needs time to build up the necessary ki; this leaves him to fight his Saiyan sibling alone. I find it funny that Piccolo was about to use this new technique to save him instead of killing him as Piccolo originally intended, the other warrior notices his laughter and believes him to be insane. The schoolboy turtle tells him to give it his all and rushes back into the fight as Piccolo declares the name of his technique, Makankōsappō.
As Gokū builds ki by aiming his index fingers at his forehead, he fights a tough fight against his superior brother. Blow after blow, he is worn down and bloodied by the exchange of fists and limbs slamming into him without his opponent landing a single well-deserved hit. A well-placed kick to the face brings him back, but instead he uses the momentum to launch himself into the air, much to Raditz’s chagrin for being so persistent. Gokū placed his hands on his hips and began to chant loudly as he built up ki for Kamehameha. Raditz surprisingly notes that by focusing all of his ki into a singular point, he can multiply his power level, pushing it up to 924. He notices that Piccolo’s own technique is gaining strength, and its level even rises above 1030.
Just now just then, Gokū charges up and sends a pillar of energy arcing towards the retreating Saiyan. While his younger brother manipulated him into following him no matter where he went, Raditz holds his own and reaches out to meet the challenge. The blast connects and detonates, flaring harmlessly out without leaving a trail in the fighter’s awe. He fires a ki blast of his own that hits Gokū in the head and rushes forward with the intention of killing him as he loudly declares it at the same time as Piccolo. Horrified that the power level his Scouter was reading was now 1330 as he realized they were manipulating their ki at will. Piccolo announces the name of his attack and fires it directly at his opponent, releasing a beam that simultaneously surrounds him in another spiral.