An angry half-Saiyan bursts out of the Attack Ball, shocking everyone. Gohan begins to stutter in anger as Goku pleads with his son to run. Raditz is shocked; according to his scout, his nephew’s fighting power in 1307 is overwhelming. In a fit of rage, Gohan lunges at Raditz, delivering a powerful blow to his uncle, shattering the Saiyan’s armor and stunning him as well. Realizing that Gohan’s fighting power has dropped to 1, he assumes that the boy’s fighting power changes with his emotions. Raditz tosses the child aside and decides to kill the boy, ignoring his younger brother’s protests.
Gokū, desperate to save his son, uses the last of his energy to lock Radtz in the hold. Gokū tells Piccolo to use Makankōsappō again while he has Radtz pinned down, ignoring his older brother’s fake attempts to swing him. Piccolo has no qualms about killing Gokū as his friends would have wanted him to return with the Dragon Balls anyway. He unleashes his Makankōsappō and stabs the Saiyan brothers at the same time