After kidnapping Gohan, Piccolo throws the boy into a lake to wake him up. Gohan panics and wonders where his father is, but Piccolo quickly loses his temper and threatens to kill the child if he doesn’t keep quiet. He explains that Goku is dead – dying to save Gohan from his uncle. He then explains that Gokū will be revived with the Dragon Balls, but Raditz, who was already stronger than Gokū and Piccolo, has two friends on the way. Piccolo therefore decided that they needed Gohan’s power to help them with the battle.
After seeing Gohan’s power firsthand, Piccolo believes that the boy will be an asset; However, Gohan disagrees. In an attempt to prove this, Piccolo picks up Gohan and throws him onto the platform. Panicking, Gohan unleashes his hidden potential, unleashing a powerful blast of energy that completely destroys the platform and carves a large trench into the ground.
Piccolo witnesses this display and is stunned to note the irony of raising a boy who could possibly becomes his strongest opponent. Gohan is surprised to see that he succeeded, and Piccolo notes that Gohan’s power is most likely based on his emotions, so they’ll have to find a way for the boy to retain it. Gohan says he doesn’t want to fight but wants to become a scholar. Piccolo tells him he can worry about it after the Saiyans are defeated; if he destroys Earth, Gohan has no future to look forward to. Gohan tries to argue again, saying that he’d rather be trained by his father; However, Piccolo claims that Gokū is far from an ideal teacher, meanwhile on Snake Way, Gokū sneezes.