On Gokū Island, he shows his appreciation to Kame-Sennin for giving him his Kintoun, but the young boy is stunned to learn that the flying cloud is a “gift from God”. When Kame-Sennin mistakes Chi-Chi for Bulma, Chi-Chi throws the blade out of her helmet, disbelieving that Kame-Sennin is who her father claims to be, only to injure the turtle hermit’s head and discover that the old man is it really is. Kame-Sennin, who leads a young girl to retrieve her blade and ask Kame-Sennin for forgiveness.
Gokū then remembers asking the turtle hermit for his Bashōsen, and Kame-Sennin agrees to give it to Goku on one status: touching Bulma’s breasts, much to Umigama’s disgust. However, Kame-Sennin remembers accidentally dropping a fan, leading him to decide to head to Frypan Mountain to put out the flames of Gyūmaō Castle himself, riding Baby Gamer’s horse to get there.
Gokū, Chi-Chi and The Kame-Sennin arrive at the burning castle when Oolong introduces himself to Chi-Chi. When Gyūmaō is disappointed that Gokū does not have his master’s powerful fan, the young boy informs the demon lord that Kame-Sennin decided to put out the flames in the castle himself, only for King Buffalo and the others to witness his master’s vomiting. vertigo from riding on top of Baby Gamer.