The first match begins with Kulilin against Bacteriana. Before the match, the host announcer reveals a prize money of 500,000 zeni and introduces the high priest of the Orin temple, who ends up being a barking dog, much to everyone’s surprise.
The first match finally begins with Gokū cheering on his classmate. As the host announcer introduces the fighters, Bulma wonders where the Kame-Sennin would run off to miss a match with one of his students. After the host announcer reveals the conditions, the battle begins.
Bacterian uses his bad breath, dirt, and farts to paralyze Kulilin and send him to the ground, leading the stale fighter to stomp on Kulilin while he’s down. As the 10-second countdown begins, just before the host announcer counts to 10, Gokū reminds Kulilin that he doesn’t have a nose and the stench is just his imagination. Kulilin finally gets up, dodges Bacterian’s attacks, and kicks the smelly giant in the face. Kulilin then proceeds to finish off Bacterian by giving him a taste of his own medicine by farting in his face while he’s down, forcing the smelly fighter to surrender, giving Kulilin the win.