When Sergeant Metallic appears, he manages to land a heavy blow on Goku. As Metallic prepares to stomp on the young boy, Gokū manages to stand up and return blows to the sergeant’s head, injuring his head in the process. While Ninja Murasaki is impressed by Gokū’s prowess, General White is convinced that Metallic will hold his own when the sergeant fires a shot that creates a large gash in a nearby wall, convincing White that Gokū is dead.
Gokū is however revealed to be hides, and formulates a strategy to fight Sgt. Gokū reveals himself, much to the surprise of White, Murasaki, and Metallica, and fires at Sergeant Kamehameha. While the ninja and the general are shocked by the damage Gokū has done to Metallic, the headless sergeant continues his attacks on the stunned Gokū when White reveals that Metallic is a robot. As Gokū prepares to take over Metallic’s remains, the robot fails and Gokū advances to the next floor.