As Gokū, Bulma, and Kulilin travel through the cave, Gokū stumbles upon a switch that turns on the lights to brighten the dark cave. While Bulma wonders why the lights are in the cave, General Blue and his men also wonder what’s going on, and the general surmises that the cave may be a secret base.
Gokū then raises the skull and manages to scare Bulma, which making her scream, she reveals her location to Blue and his men, and Kulilin reveals that the place has hidden treasure, which Blue’s men also overhear. The dragon team then stumbles upon a trap set by those previously in the cave, leading Gokū and Kulilin to jump into the trap, with Bulma left at the other end. While Blue thinks he has achieved victory, Gokū uses his Nyoibō to get Bulma to the other side of the trap unharmed.
Blue then orders his men to kill all three, but is prevented from doing so by a trap that summons spears. which conquer them. When the general finds a way around the trap, the Dragon Team stumbles upon the Pirate Harbor.