Frustrated, General Blue finds Gokū still chasing him and decides to retreat to the Red Ribbon Army HQ, acknowledging Gokū’s strength and tenacity. When Gokū encounters the general’s crashed helicopter and is unable to find the Dragon Balls, the young boy is later shocked by Arale’s sudden appearance and realizes that her speed is as fast as his Kintoun. As Gokū continues his search for Blue, the General encounters Suppaman, who is attempting to threaten Blue. The General responds by demonstrating his power to Suppaman, intimidating the “hero” into directing the General to Senbi Norimaki for the capsules, losing his car to Blue in the process.
Elsewhere, Gokū realizes that he has a dragon radar that he he helps find the stolen dragon balls, only to be horrified when the radar is broken again. Arale then directs Gokū to a scientist who she thinks can repair the radar, and Gokū takes her and Gacchan to his Kintoun. When Gokū meets Senbe and his family, the young boy asks the scientist if he could fix his radar, which Senbe is unable to do, amazed that there is a girl who is more technologically intelligent than him.