Character Synopsis
The Tournament of Power team from Universe 7 arrives in the World of Void along with teams from other universes. Vegeta and Gohan believe their ability to fly will be an advantage, but as Whis correctly deduces, Goku is unable to fly when he tries. This restriction only applies to competitors (since both Beerus and Whis are able to fly) and does not affect winged creatures from other universes; gravity was also adjusted independently for each universe.
Champa and his team from universe 6 arrive with Magetta already in tears from Caulifla’s insults. Goku greets Hit, who assumed the tournament was a result of Goku’s actions, and promises not to lose again. Cabba explains who these Saiyans are to Caulifla, which includes Vegeta teaching him to become a Super Saiyan. Freeza and Frost exchange pleasantries and agree to team up.