Character Synopsis
Kuririn runs into the ring and celebrates with Goku, but Jackie isn’t so thrilled. Namu climbs back into the ring and shakes Goku’s hand, congratulating him, and the announcer says there will be a ten minute break before the finals begin. Backstage, Namu gathers his things and prepares to leave, disappointed to return home empty-handed. Jackie throws him a capsule and says he can use this thing to hold a lot of water to take home. Namu freaks out and asks how she knows about water. “I’m Muten Róshi. I see through those things.”
Namu freaks out and asks why he’s here in disguise. Jackie explains that his two students, Kuririn and Goku, are here. He says that they both exceeded his expectations, especially Goku, who seems to be hiding some incredible power. He wants to see the two of them become great warriors, so he competes in disguise to show them that the world is a huge place with many powerful opponents. Namu asks if the hair is a wig and Jackie says he glued it on and it’s maddeningly itchy. Namu thanks him again and says it was an honor to talk to him but he doesn’t have money to buy water to put in the capsule. Jackie points to an outdoor well where she can get as much water as she wants. The announcer then calls Jackie and Goku to the next match. But before she leaves, Jackie has to ask Namu a favor.