Character Synopsis
Some time has passed since Tenka’ichi Budōkai. Goku flies through the air to Kinto-Un in a forested, mountainous area and stops by a river for a drink. He checks the dragon radar that Bulma gave him and there is a Dragon Ball in the northeast. Meanwhile, in the two capsule houses, a cowboy with a pickup truck (Ford) outside just woke up. Another guy in a trench coat with a scarf around his neck tells him it’s already 8:00 and the cowboy greets him as Silver. Silver tells the cowboy to go to work, so the cowboy gets into the truck with the fox guy. Silver says that Commander Red wants them to find “it” quickly. Brown Company already found one yesterday. The truck drives off and Silver tells us that what they’re looking for is the Dragon Ball.
Cowboy rummages through the bushes, upset that he has to look for a small ball in such a large area. The fox notices something coming. Goku comes in with a hiss, jumps off the Kinto-Un and checks the dragon radar. Goku looks around and the two tell him to get out of the way or they’ll kill him. (Cowboy has his gun drawn.) Goku walks over and finds a Dragon Ball between two rocks. “This one has six stars, so it’s the Six Star Ball. Not Grandpa’s…” The two think it must be the Dragon Ball, and Goku asks how he knows about them.